GAME 2011
Neo-sensation action adventure game. STUDIO4℃ produced the animation. Vincent, the main character, has been proposed to by his girlfriend “Katherine” however, he has not been able to give her any sort of answer. Following an unexpected turn of events, he meets a ravishingly beautiful girl who coincidentally has the same name as his girlfriend, “Catherine”. Under the influence of alcohol, he winds up spending the night with her. He is plagued by nightmares since.
A mysterious rumor states, “if you dream of falling, you must wake up immediately, otherwise, you will die”. One after another, men are found dead of debilitation. What are these nightmares? Where will his romance with “Catherine” and his greed lead?
Yasuyuki Shimizu, who worked as director and animation director on many STUDIO4℃ productions, directed the difficult-to-express adult horror that has never-before been produced for games. Hirofumi Nakata of the “First Squad” worked as character designer.
Dir. Yasuyuki Shimizu
©ATLUS CO.,LTD. 2010
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